New Release: Machi Koro Companion App

I would like to show you this Machi Koro Tool I am currently working on. I am focusing on a most simple, beautiful and add free companion App for up to 4 players:

The beautiful 3D art design fits seamlessly onto a Machi Koro table top.
The Machi Koro Companion App is designed to improve the game flow. It replaces the coins and the dice. But that's not all: Each app connects to other apps at the same table:

Download the Android version here for free:
Machi Koro Companion v1.3 APK Download
  • With the network capability you can view how many coins your friends have.
  • You can receive coins from other players and send coins with one touch (or a simple drag).
  • Furthermore it synchronizes dice throws over the network - so you can see what number your friends have thrown - live on your device.

An a absolutely must-have feature I don't want to miss anymore:

  • The Dice History on the main screen (so you can get enraged of you have thrown a 3 four times in a row xD).
    Special thanks to Tobias for the proposal!
Track your dice throws in the dice history.

But what about the haptic of physical coins and dice?

Yeah, I do really love the haptic of physical coins and dice. But then, why did I develop an app as replacement?
"[the app] significantly improves game flow."
It really does. Machi Koro is a game full of throwing dice, collecting coins and giving coins to your opponents.
How often have you thrown the dice off the table? How often have you been searching for 1-coins because they seem to be hoarded by other players?
The app solves these struggles in a smart and beautiful way:

Are you missing anything?

Which awesome features are you missing? What do you need to ramp up your Machi Koro game flow?
If you have any ideas please leave a comment!

At the moment I am currently working on the following features (hopefully included in the next release):
  • Moon Tower compatibility
  • A 'fair' dice mode (aka 'reduce randomness with cards')
  • iOS Release


  1. Hi, saw the thread on BGG and I was wondering that if the changes to make it play store available can't be made, it could still be available as an APK here.

    1. Unfortunately Goolge has removed the App from the market... But lucky the APP still works without any problems and you can download it directly here for free:

      I will soon try to activate it in the Google Play store as soon as I can manage to get enough time together :)

  2. Hi M,
    spotted your post today - reactivated my app MachiKoroPad last week (see BGG or github). Would you like to join forces?
    cheers, T


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