How to Mutiny (and how we designed this)

In our game PIRATES: Release The Kraken! we have introduced a mutiny mechanic to revolt against the captain.

Unlike other social deduction games like Avalon or Secret Hitler, in Pirates the commanding player stays the same after each round!
In Pirates the commanding player is the Captain (in Avalon its the Leader, in Shitler its the President). In Avalon and Shitler this role changes after each round - going to the next player in line (usually the left player).
In Pirates the Captain is usually the same player and the role will only change after a successful mutiny or if they ware found drunk at duty (and has to sober up). 

Provoke a mutiny (the vote phase)

To provoke a mutiny, the crew has to vote. Where in Avalon you vote for the Leader, in Pirates you provoke a mutiny (so you vote against the commanding player).

To keep this simple, every player receives a rifle miniature. Small enough that you can hide it in you closed fist.
If you don't trust the captain, grab your rifle and mutiny!
To vote for a mutiny every player takes a rifle, then hidden under the table the player puts it in to their left or right hand.
The captain calls: "If you distrust me, show me your weapons". All players lift one hand visibly over the table (with the rife hidden in their fist, or with an empty fist). 
The captain performs a countdown "three, two, one...", then all players simultaneously open their fists (revealing the gun, or an empty hand). 

Sailors provoking a mutiny.
Every player with a rife in their hand is pro mutiny! They distrust the current captain...
When half (or more) players reveal a rifle in their hand, the mutiny is successful! 

With a successful mutiny, the current captain is revolted. And one of the mutineers have the chance to take over their place to be a better Captain...

Execute the mutiny (method of elimination)

After provoking a mutiny (if successful), the mutiny is executed. This mechanic allows the players to competitively choose a new captain.

All mutineers hold their rifles visibly over the table. All other players are out of the mutiny and must remain silent.
First the current captain punches one of the mutineers out of the mutiny. To do this, he points to one of the players holding their rifle up and says "drop your weapon".
This player then lowers his hand and places the rifle on the table. This player is out of the mutiny and will not be the next captain. Then this player punches another player out of the mutiny, following the same steps. Doing this the player chooses someone they distrust the most. Because this will take them straight out of the mutiny.
The last man standing is then declared to be the next Captain (the last person having their gun in their hand).

Behind the mechanic

We have used a similar mechanic for Werewolf. When the villagers could not agree on someone to kill, we would use this method of elimination:
All players stand up. A random player sits down and chooses another player they trust the most. This player also sits down and chooses the next player. Literally the last man standing is then sacrificed.

This method works fairly well for selecting a new captain in Pirates :)

But it also has one minor problem: It takes too long and is annoying when performed too much.
We are considering to introduce a silence during the mutiny, prohibiting all players to speak. It speeds things up, but it also takes tactical role acting away.
We haven't found a suitable solution to this jet.

Work in Progress

We are looking for a tool to encourage new players to participate on provoking a mutiny. Most new players are to scared or shy to mutiny. We need something that looks more rewarding... 
But what can be more rewarding than having a chance to be the next captain?

Another problem ist: How to track subsequent mutinies? This is necessary to prevent infinit mutiny loops.
The way Avalon and Shitler does this, is to move a marker one step forward, until it reaches a threshold. The problem here is that players usually forget moving this marker (well at least I always forget this).
I need something else here...

If you have any ideas or questions, I would be delighted if you leave a comment :)
